Thoughts About Reality

Thoughts About Reality

Thoughts about reality…a thought provoking question indeed,
as we continue to work on improving our understanding of the
relationship between thinking and this thing we call “reality.”
Perhaps when we arrive at a better definition of both concepts
we will have taken a serious evolutionary step forward. Hopefully
there will be something in these thoughts that actually  makes
your life better!

Has science replaced religion as the paradigm of our time?

England led the world into the Industrial Revolution and by doing so extended its empire across the globe. Will the country or agency that masters the digital revolution inherit the starry skies overhead?

Can reality, unlike energy, be created and/or destroyed?

Interesting irony…now that we’re getting ready to go into Space in a big way we’re finally ready to regard the earth as home and each other as housemates.

Now that we have discovered the magic of logic in the Digital Age,

Are we ready to discover or – rediscover – the logic of magic?

England led the world into the Industrial Revolution and succeeded in creating an empire on which “the sun never set.” Will the country or agency that masters the digital revolution inherit the starry skies overhead?

The mainstays of organized religion are prayer and belief. The heart of the scientific tradition is thought and measurement. Wouldn’t it be better if all of these functions were included in the same framework?

To be good is to be healthy – on the inside as well as on the outside. The goal here may be expressed as one of psychic integrity, a goal to which your inner life and its attendant actions can be geared .

Time, time, time. Rush hour, rush delivery, fast food, get it the same or next day, if delivery takes more than 30 minutes your pizza is free. Milliseconds and nanoseconds.”saving time.”  We were jumping for joy, celebrating the advent of the Space Age a half century ago….only to discover that the real frontier is time?!?!?!?

Spiritual? Go to the rescue shelter and get a wretched,slobbering, pathetically heart-breakingly unhappy, non show-medal- winning-non-pedigree poor old abandoned thing, take him / her home and make him / her as happy as pie with your love and attention.. It will bring out all the best that is in you and, as a bonus, poochie or tabby will be eternally grateful. If that’s not spiritual, I don’t know what is!

Is it time to roll out a History App? Can we base it on one’s individual characteristics over/against his genetic makeup and the way history has affected him and his ancestors in all of its glory?