
What is Astrology



Astrology?  Really! You’re kidding! You really believe in that? This is the response that is often encountered by those who profess an interest in astrology.

Considered by some to be pure bunk and by others to offer a unique opportunity to discover the blueprint of one’s soul, astrology has been around for so long – and is followed in so many places – that there are few people on the planet today who have not heard of it, their verdict on/of same notwithstanding. The Ziggurats of ancient Babylon are believed to be platforms for stargazing by that culture’s priesthood, and that priesthood is believed to consist of men whose primary function could at least be described – if not conclusively identified – as that of the modern astrologer. China, the Mayans,  India – these phenomenal civilizations took the movement of heavenly bodies seriously; and Egypts’ priests were said to be, among other things, astrologers,

Today, astrology has a following on every continent at all levels  of interest, a following whose members share their interest through hundreds – if not thousands – of websites and printed publications.

Some say that this present age, the Age of Aquarius, is the time for  this ancient practice to yield its fruit in full – an act which is nothing short of a paradigm leap forward for and a significant flowering of human consciousness. The Age now ending we’re leaving one marked indelibly at its tail end by the flowering of science and the rise of critical thinking.

And it is precisely one of the great gifts of this age just ended (the Age of Pisces) that keeps many from  regarding astrology as anything but superstition, and that gift is one of rational skepticism. For those who take the scientific spirit too seriously to let their skepticism go untested, take a look at an explanation of astrology that started out as a Sorbonne student’s PhD thesis. That student’s name is Patrice Guinard and the name of this unique examination of an ancient art – and science – is Astrology: The Manifesto 1/4